Depressive disorders – the nurse’s role in the education of the patient and his family
Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue 1
Background: Depression is a chronic, relapsing disease. Disorder is not only physical and mental state of man, but also its function in society. Patients and their families often have a lack of knowledge about the disease, which has a negative impact on the course and duration of the patient’s disease. Treating depression is a long-term process, requiring special treatment of the patient. Comprehensive treatment of depression requires the cooperation of all members of the treatment team, as the participation of the patient and his family.Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to present the role of education of the patient and his family to restore it to act independently in the environment, and the role of nurses in psycho-education of the patient and his family.Material and methods: Patient information was collected by interview with the patient and his family. Observation of the patient was performed for the entire period of hospitalization. An analysis of the documentation of the medical history of the patient in the ward.Case: The subject of description is 58-year-old patient brought to the Provincial Team Specialist Neuropsychiatric in Opole by Team Rescue after a suicide attempt. The patient was admitted to the department for their own consent with the diagnosis; recurrent depressive disorders;. The patient was previously treated in the local hospital in 2010. In the first day of the patient in reduced mood, psychomotor slowing in confirming thoughts suicidal. Used pharmacological treatment, individual and group psychotherapy. The patient participated in various forms of occupational therapy. As a result of the implemented measures nursing patient fully accepted his illness and acquired knowledge and skills on how to deal with it in order to maintain mental balance.Conclusions: Used in patient therapy including psychoeducation comprehensive nurse brought the expected results. Mental state improved. The patient was discharged from the hospital with instructions.
Authors and Affiliations
Ałła Woźniak
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