Deregulation Of The Electricity Market and Sustainable Prospects In The Electricity Industy
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 17, Issue 68
With the growing technology the magnitude of electric power is raised as a strategic raw material. Therefore global actors of electricity sector’s shares in Gross National Product increased. Despite the outgoing arguments on whether the electricity should be public or not, electricity secured its position as an essential intermediate product and its ascending demandin the market. From the beginning of 80’s, electric power is accepted as an absolute product in the advanced economies. Then the liberalization process started. As a natural result ofthese changes, electricity became no longer public in Turkey. After the liberalization ofelectricity, reinforcement became necessary for regulating the electricity demand and supplyin the market in a sustainable and a less risky way. Under the free market conditions, electricity should be bought and sold as a part of money market instruments in a transparentand a credible platform. Thus sustainability could be ensured.
Authors and Affiliations
Murat Turgut
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