Description of genetic polymorphism and cytological stability of Avena sativa L., Avena sterilis L. and their interspecies hybrids
Journal Title: Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue
Aim. A study of cytological stability and genetic polymorphism of SSR loci in Avena sativa L., Avena sterilis L. and their interspecies hybrids. Methods. Interspecific hybridization in combination with cytological and molecular-genetic analysis. Results. The genetic polymorphism of six SSR loci of 15 Avena sativa L. varieties, 12 Avena sterilis L. lines and their interspecies hybrids was studied. Highly informative (PIC from 0.57 to 0.89) SSR markers that can be used to differentiate genetically related genotypes of oats are revealed. The results of cytological analysis showed a high level of bivalent pairing at meiotic metaphase I (97.0 to 99.86 %) in A. sativa × A. sterilis hybrids, as well as the presence of a significant number of cells with bridges at the anaphase I stage of meiosis. Conclusions. The high level of bivalent chromosome pairing and the identification of forms with a high meiotic index indicate the possibility of creating cytologically stable hybrids of A. sativa × A. sterilis. The presence of a significant number of cells with bridges at the anaphase I stage may serve as an indirect confirmation of chromatin exchange between the parental species, which creates the prerequisites for the inclusion in the genome of oats alien genetic material in the form of translocations. Keywords: Avena sativa L., Avena sterilis L., cross-species hybridization, cytological stability, SSR-markers.
Authors and Affiliations
Е. А. Сычева, Н. И. Дробот, Е. Б. Бондаревич, Л. А. Соловей, С. П. Халецкий
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