Design and Development of a Small Heat Exchanger as Auxiliary Cooling System for Domestic and Industrial Applications



The epileptic supply of power from the national grid in Nigeria has made many industries to engage Internal Combustion Engine generators as alternative to providing energy required for production. The excessive use of these machines has mostly altered their effective performance, thereby necessitating more frequent maintenance or repair than recommended by the manufacturers. Frequent break-downs of these machines reduce rate of production of these industries and by extension, this adversely affects the economy development of the country. A known engineering enterprise in Kano; North West region of Nigeria due to the same factor stated above, subjected her 30 kva generator to run almost throughout the working hours of the week. Initially, the generator run perfectly within the manufacturer recommended 100 hours of operation before conducting maintenance works. After sometime, due to excessive use, the generator hardly met half the required service hours before overheating and this resulted in frequent damage of the gasket and repair of the valve outlets, consequently increased the cost of maintenance. A Small Tube and Shell Heat Exchanger with parallel/counter flow that would serve as an auxiliary cooling system for the radiator was designed and developed.

Authors and Affiliations

O. T. Araromi , A. O. Oyelaran , L. O. Ogunleye


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How To Cite

O. T. Araromi, A. O. Oyelaran, L. O. Ogunleye (2013). Design and Development of a Small Heat Exchanger as Auxiliary Cooling System for Domestic and Industrial Applications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 5(6), 314-319.