Design and Development of Casting by Simulation Technique for Yield Improvement in Foundry Industry


In process of casting various critical shapes are manufactured and that involves creating a cavity inside a sand mould and then pouring the molten metal directly into the mould cavity. Casting is versatile process so that it is used for the mass production. The components are of very large as well as very small shape with very critical shape involves in it. Gating system is most important part in casting process. Having correct gating system is very important in the casting process for the sound, defects free casting and higher yield. Casting process is very uncertain process even in a completely controlled process defects are found which challenges to find the causes of casting defects. For the development of the casting processes simulation techniques are used in the AutoCAST simulation software. In the simulation technique the gating system is designed numerically and by that dimensions the 3D model of the gating and cavity is drawn, that model is used for virtual casting in that process by that simulation technique trial and error method the optimized gating system finalized. After the simulation process the finalized designed gating system is implemented on the pattern and the sample casting is taken to validate the result of the simulation technique.

Authors and Affiliations

Swaroop S. Magdum, Baliram R. Jadhav


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Swaroop S. Magdum, Baliram R. Jadhav (2015). Design and Development of Casting by Simulation Technique for Yield Improvement in Foundry Industry. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(6), -.