Design and Manufacture of Auto-Control Boiler Panel (ACBP)


A Boiler Control Panel is used to operate the electrical parts of Boiler related mechanical equipments like Feed pumps, Draft Fan, etc., This projectexplains the Auto control of Electrical part of Boiler with suitable electrical and Mechanical interlocks. Switch gear selection as per equipment rating to operate automatically.By using the auto controlled Control Panel The boiler water level controls consisted of magnetic float switches set to switch the feed water pump ON and OFF at pre-determined levels. This causes the boiler water level to fluctuate dramatically, affecting the plants ability to produce steam. Each time the feed water pump switches on; cold water is pumped into the boiler causing thermal shock. To compensate for the cool water, the burner must now ramp up to high fire, increasing the thermal loading on the boiler and forever chasing its tale as the cycle repeats itself. A variable speed drive allows the rpm of the fan motor to be reduced as the burners firing rate Decreases. Electrical savings of 60 and 75% can be achieved. Additional benefits are reduced wear and tear on the motor, reduced electrical loading on the plant on startupand a huge reduction in noise levels at low fire. The intelligence of the microprocessor also monitors the wave signature of the boiler, recognizes foaming at peak steam draw, monitors water temperature in, steam temperate and pressure out, and by means of calculation using the heat input of the burner also displays steam production. The result is a higher quality of constant steam as the process requires it. Microprocessor Based Alarm Annunciator placed to keep an alert and watchful eye on boiler processes of operation. This task is done by providing indication and Hooter sound under high temperature, pressure conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

K. Kranthi Kumar| Turbo machinery Institute of Science and Technology and Sciences,, K. Lal Singh Nayak| Turbo machinery Institute of Science and Technology and Sciences


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How To Cite

K. Kranthi Kumar, K. Lal Singh Nayak (2014). Design and Manufacture of Auto-Control Boiler Panel (ACBP). International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 2(9), 415-419.