Design and Simulation of Microstrip E-shaped Patch Antenna for Improved Bandwidth and Directive Gain
Despite the many advantages of microstrip patch antennas, they do have some considerable drawbacks. One of the main limitations with patch antennas is their inherently narrowband performance due to its resonant nature. With bandwidth as low as a few percent; broadband applications using conventional patch designs are limited. So for the antenna miniaturization and bandwidth improvement E-shaped microstrip patch antenna used. In this paper, authors cover two aspects of microstrip antenna designs. The first is the analysis of single element narrowband rectangular microstrip antenna which operates at the central frequency of 6.5GHz. The second aspect is the analysis and design of slot cut E-shaped microstrip antenna. The simulation process has been done through high frequency structure simulator (HFSS). The properties of antenna such as bandwidth, return loss, VSWR has been investigated and compared between a single element rectangular and E-shaped microstrip antenna.
Authors and Affiliations
Prof. Jaikaran Singh , Prof. Mukesh Tiwari
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