Design For Maintainability and Applications

Journal Title: Mühendis ve Makina - Year 2019, Vol 60, Issue 695


Maintenance engineering is taught inadequately at all the universitis or master programs in our country. But in the last years some of the university faculties have opened new courses about maintenance and by that that awareness is raising. Decision of choosing the right screw type or length for assembly or connection type or type of the countersink at the stage of design affects the maintainability in many ways. More technical and advanced methods are applied in design and maintenance rather than old trial and error type methods and human effected maintenance which was applied in the past. Machines are designed more systematically with raising responsibility and quality awareness; problems are solved before they happen with the analysis performed regularly. The criteria that designer needs to pay attention are simply increases while metallurgy, heat transfer, manufacturing and coating technologies are developing day by day. In this study, the needs to reduce maintenance time costs and which is needed for maintenance and by that what will be gained will be mentioned. Also what company, customers and workers will gain by paying attention to design for maintainability while designing. The purpose of this study is to give designers the new vision by showing them a few examples.

Authors and Affiliations

Umut Can Babacan, Cemal Meran


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How To Cite

Umut Can Babacan, Cemal Meran (2019). Design For Maintainability and Applications. Mühendis ve Makina, 60(695), 119-131.