Design of DWT Module
Journal Title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 1
Due to the advancements in information and communication technologies, the electronic transfer of formal documents such as business deals, etc is inevitable. Therefore a DWT based authentication method is proposed in this paper. The formal text document is watermarked by embedding the fingerprint image of the authenticated personnel. DWT is being widely considered in watermarking applications because of its efficient multi-resolution in frequency domain. The lifting based 2D-DWT with two levels of computation is implemented. The 2D-DWT can be implemented by performing 1D DWT row-wise and column wise. Hence with the help of DWT filters both document and the fingerprint image are compressed and it’s divided into sub-bands and the fingerprint is watermarked in the document. The complete system is implemented on FPGA.
Authors and Affiliations
Prabha S
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Sikha O Muktir Swaroop
িবদƟা ও িশǘা এর সংকীণŪ অথŪ হল ˙িজেরাজগােরর জনƟ িশǘা, িকˍ বƟাপকতায় িশǘার অথŪ অেনক গভীর। মানুষেক বাঁচার জনƟ িশǘা Ƶদানই আসল িশǘা। জীবেনর মূল সতƟ Ʒেʒ উপনীত, তােক উপলিɇ কের ĺমৗিলকতা, আȕিনভŪ রতা লাভ করাই িশǘার লǘƟ। সূচক শɆ...