Despre evoluția și implicațiile fenomenului rezistenței la medicamentele antiinfecțioase și antiparazitare de uz veterinar și evoluția acestui fenomen în România
Journal Title: Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 1
This report is based on scientific studies from the last decade, books, experts’ oppinions and based on personal experience. Of course, as part of a process of continuous updating, this view must be regularly adjusted to the latest scientific knowledge gained on this topic. Are provided Important information about the: conditions that cause the antibiotic resistance; types of resistance and mechanisms, resistance installation phases, are analyzed the trends in resistance, economic, social and development of the phenomenon, the importance of the waiting period to drugs or measures recommended for resistance combating.
Authors and Affiliations
Romeo T. Cristina, Alexandru Octavian Doma, Eugenia Dumitrescu, Florin Muselin, Andreia Bianca Chirila
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