Destrukcja nawierzchniowych powłok akrylowych starzonych promieniowaniem UV
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 208, Issue 6
Systems of polymer coatings, commonly used in workshops for renovation of car bodies protective-decorative coatings, were subjected to investigation of ageing with UV radiation for 70 days. Obtained findings revealed that the thickness of entire coating systems (acrylic-polyurethane) decreased (more than 10%) with ageing time flow as well as the shine of acrylic topcoats (e.g. for α = 60° by 84%) which roughness increased essentially at the same time (parameter Ra increased 15 times and parameter Rz increased 21 times). It can be explained by changes in topcoats chemical structure which contributed to coating components chipping. Ageing of coatings resulted also in their pencil hardness increase from H value, in the case of unaged coating, to 6H value, in the case of coating aged for 70 days.
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Kotnarowska, Michał Sirak
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