Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 19
У статті розглядається функціонування політичних партій у сучасній Словаччині, з’ясовуються особливості та проблеми розвитку партійної системи, які окреслилися в контексті парламентських виборів 2016 р. Висвітлюються деструктивні тенденції партійно-політичного розвитку, що можуть негативно вплинути на функціональність партій і стабільність політичної системи Словацької Республіки. The article is devoted to the transformation of the party system in modern Slovakia. The current party system of the Slovak Republic, defined its main features, problems and trends with regard of parliamentary elections 2016 was investigated. It is established that the Slovak party system has undergone significant changes compared to previous years. The party system is a dynamic integrity, the composition of which varies from election to elections. The author comes to the conclusion, that the results of the parliamentary elections in 2016 are led to the reorganization of the party system in the Slovak Republic, with a change in structure and political influence of its subjects. According to the results of the parliamentary elections in 2016, the «structural core» of the Slovak party system was brокеn up. A characteristic feature of the Slovak party system is its dynamic and constant updating of its composition. As a result of the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in March 2016, the number of political parties in parliament has increased. The Slovak party system mainly consists of small parties, which have some difficulties to form a coalition. The party system is characterized by ideological asymmetry and fragmentation of the right spectrum. The growth of populism is a destructive trend in parties’ election campaigns. The influence of anti-system, populist and right-wing extremist parties is increasing in the party system of the Slovak Republic. The reasons for the success of populist and right-extremist political forces are analyzed. Fragmentation, deconcentration and destabilization are characterized for the modern party system of the Slovak Republic. It is concluded that destructive tendencies in party political development create a threat to the stability of the parliamentary and governmental system of the Slovak Republic.
Authors and Affiliations
Anatoliy Klyuchkovych
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