Detecting the specificity of the Tatarian national cuisine

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3


The object of research is the national cuisine of the Tatars. Having passed the long path of its development, it experienced numerous influences, including ethnic, cultural and religious character. A huge role in the preparation of food played a furnace and Kazan, which are symbols of the Tatar house. It was revealed that the richness of forests, lands and rivers, the occupation of agriculture, livestock breeding, and poultry farming determined the set of products included in the diet of the Tatars. Actively using natural gifts, the Tatars also observed ethical principles in relation to the surrounding world, recorded in the Koran. Experiencing the influence of neighbouring cultures, the Tatars started planting gardens and gardens quite late. It is customary to classify the Tatar menu for liquid hot dishes, second courses, baked goods with savoury and sweet stuffing, goodies, drinks. Among the obligatory dishes of the Tatar cuisine, we will name milk, meat and flour stoves. For the Tatar cuisine, it is characteristic to mix meat, vegetable (in the early period — cereals) and flour. A special role in the Tatar tradition is played by tea drinking, accompanied by sweet treats. Attitude to food and food, the process of cooking and eating it was reflected in Tatar folk art — riddles, proverbs and sayings. It was in them that an element of archaism was fixed, disappearing in the modern world and allowing the reconstruction of the past. The main method of the presented research is analytical, allowing on the basis of various sources to discover specific features of the Tatar national cuisine. The results of the research can be used in scientific and teaching activities when studying the Tatar tradition and cuisine of the Tatar people.

Authors and Affiliations

E. Iakovleva


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  • EP ID EP482318
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1198814
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How To Cite

E. Iakovleva (2018). Detecting the specificity of the Tatarian national cuisine. Бюллетень науки и практики, 4(3), 362-370.