Determination of basic reasons of female students of special medical group to doing physical exercises with purpose of forming healthy way of life


Dynamics of amount of university students, which are taken after the healthy state to special medical group, is given. The basic problems of forming students’ healthy way of life with the help of physical education facilities are set, reasons and ways of their overcoming are certain. The questionnaire of female students, which are taken after the healthy state to special medical group, is conducted and the volume of daily, weekly and annual motive activity is analyzed. It is set that basic reason of students of special medical group to doing physical exercises is maintenance of their healthy on a due level.

Authors and Affiliations

Petruk L. | Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування


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How To Cite

Petruk L. (2012). Determination of basic reasons of female students of special medical group to doing physical exercises with purpose of forming healthy way of life. Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport], 0(5), 135-139.