Journal Title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 20
In this paper, an organization with single grade subjected to exodus of personnel due to policy decisions taken by it, is considered. Here the problem of time to recruitment for this organization is analysed when the breakdown threshold, a level of maximum allowable manpower depletion, has two components namely normal threshold of depletion of manpower, threshold of frequent breaks of existing workers and threshold of backup or reservation of manpower sources. In any organization when the policy decisions related to emoluments, benefits and objectives are announced then the exit of personnel is occurred. When the exit of personnel occurs, time overwhelming and expense happened for the recruitment, so that the recruitment cannot introduced in real time and also frequent recruitment are not encouraged, when the cumulative loss of manpower on critical occasion cross the level called as threshold, then only the recruitment is introduced and made. A mathematical model is developed using univarity policy of recruitment based on shock model approach in this paper. The inter-policy decision times and the inter-transfer decision times form same renewal process for three grades to obtain the mean variance of the time to recruitment. Mathematical equations for mean time to recruitment are developed using Laplace transform.
Authors and Affiliations
Jayanthi L S, Uma K P
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