Determination of Prevalence and Etiology of Headache in Children in a Tertiary Care Centre in Rural Areas of Indore

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 2


Abstract: Headache is the most common disorder encountered in general clinical practice. Headache is a heterogenous condition that varies wildly with respect to global severity and severity of individual attacks. The present study “The Prevalence rate and various causes of headache in children in tertiary care center in rural population, near Indore” is an observational study which was carried out in department of Paediatrics, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Indore during the period of 18 months from January 2016 to June 2017. Total 150 cases were recruited in this study. In our study Amongst 150 patients, the most common age group affected was 10-12 years, 71 out of 150 cases (47.33%) were in this group, followed by 7-9 years with 38 out of 150 cases (25.33%) and 33 out of 150 cases (22%) between 13-15 years of age, which shows that cases of headache were more in the age group of 10-12 years. Out of 150 patients, 89 (58.9%) were females and 61 (40.10%) were males indicating clear female preponderance in comparison to males, which is also seen worldwide. In our study, 91 patients (60.66%) were from rural population since hospital is located in the rural setup and influx of patients from urban area is less, while studying it was found that, 22 (14.66%) Out of 150 patients had history of head injury as an etiology of headache, it is also a significant cause of headache in children as they have history of fall while playing. “Chi-Square Test” show significant difference for gender wise distribution in these cases with trauma as a cause of headache. (P<0.05) which is significant. In our study we also found that ENT related problems were also the cause of headache in children in which sinusitis is most common cause and statistically significant, with other causes being otitis, rhinitis and wax etc. Study also revealed that refractive error was most common cause of headache in children on ophthalmic evaluations, other causes being glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Ritesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Mohini Harshe, Dr. Swati Prashant


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How To Cite

Dr. Ritesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Mohini Harshe, Dr. Swati Prashant (2018). Determination of Prevalence and Etiology of Headache in Children in a Tertiary Care Centre in Rural Areas of Indore. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 6(2), 481-488.