Determination of Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals, Introduced by Waste Motor Oils


Purpose. Determination of soil pollution in roadside area by heavy metals, which were introduced by waste motor oils. Methods. Field, laboratory-analytical (atomic-absorption), statistical. Results. The ways for waste motor oils (WMO) management in Ukraine are shown. The paper includes results on contamination of soil (dark grey podzolised soil and podzolized chernozem) with mobile forms of heavy metals and content of heavy metals in control sample (non-contaminated soil). The soil samples were taken near Pokotilovka settlement, Kharkiv Oblast. The total number of sites is 5. Samples were analysed on the content of nine heavy metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cо, Cr, Cd. From all analysed heavy metals MAC was exceeded only for Pb (1.2-1.7 times). The authors have assessed the environemtnal state of the soil by calculating total contamination indicator. Based on this indicator, we can say that the control site is in satisfactory state, site with one-time WMO discharge is in moderately dangerous state and site with regular WMO discharge is in very dangerous state. Conclusions. It was justified that heavy metals in WMO can be accumulated in soil. The higher value of total contamination indicator has shown that the podzolied chernozem soil can absorb and detain heavy metals in fixed state more efficiently due to its physical-chemical properties.

Authors and Affiliations

M. I. Kulyk, A. A. Lisnyak, S. Torma


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How To Cite

M. I. Kulyk, A. A. Lisnyak, S. Torma (2016). Determination of Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals, Introduced by Waste Motor Oils. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія", 0(15), 122-127.