Determination of the impact of soil compaction on germination and seedling growth parameters of common beech in the laboratory conditions
Journal Title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria - Year 2013, Vol 12, Issue 1
The paper presents the results of laboratory research on the effects of different soil compaction caused by varying unit pressure and its impact on germination and growth parameters of common beech. Soil for the research was taken from the forest stand, and then poured into prepared PVC cylinders. Pressure was exerted on the soil with use of the stamp, on a specially prepared static stand. Unit pressure ranged from 50 to 300 kPa with 50 kPa resolution. Each variant of the exerted unit pressure and control without pressure was repeated three times. 21 seeds of common beach were sown into a single cylinder. The cylinders were then placed in controlled conditions and after 2.5 months all seedlings parameters were measured. 234 seedlings were analysed (sown 441). It was found that the seeds were influenced by the place of sowing. There were significant correlations between the exerted unit pressure and the length of root system of plants sown away from direct exposure to the stamp, as well as all the plants together. With the increased unit pressure the length of root system decreased. Sowing place turned out to be important for the root neck diameter, root dry weight and whole plants.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariusz Kormanek
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