Determination of Various Sociodemographic Factors Affecting Anemia in Pregnancy
Objective: Many sociodemographic factors are responsible for anemia in pregnancy such as age, parity, spacing, percapita income, number of ANC visits, educational status, dietary habits, occupation, type of family. We studied socio-demographic factors affecting anemia in pregnancy. Design: a cross sectional study. Setting: tertiary-care referral hospital. Participants: All the pregnant patients admitted in the hospital whose hemoglobin less than 10gm% were included in the anemic group and whose hemoglobin above 10 gm% were included in non anemic group. Intervention: detailed history which included various sociodemographic factors was taken; their association with anemia in pregnancy was studied. Outcome Measures: factors such as age, parity, spacing, percapita income, number of ANC visits, educational status, dietary habits, occupation, type of family and association with anemia in pregnancy. Results: 144 patients with hemoglobin <10gm% were included in the anemic group. 122 patients with hemoglobin more than or equal to 10gm% were taken as non anemic group. In Anemic group 90.97% of the patients were from lower socioeconomic class 3 and class 4. Only 09 (06.25%) patients from anemic group had more than 4 antenatal checkups, whereas in non anemic group 118(96.72%) cases out of 122 had more than 4 antenatal checkups. Conclusions: we found that anemia in pregnancy was more common in multiparous women, less birth spacing, lower income, number of ANC visits <4, low educational status, poor calorie intake and with vegetarian diet, but some factors like age, occupation and type of family had no correlation with anemia in pregnancy.
Authors and Affiliations
Leela Khatod , Shruti Chidrawar , Santosh Bhangadia , Jivan Chakurkar , Shital Bhattad , Susheel Bhattad
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