Determination of violent behavior among adolescents
Journal Title: Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право. - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue
The determination of violence in the children's environment is extremely relevant to the topic of sociological research, due to the fact that it is a fairly widespread phenomenon. Nevertheless, tracking the dynamics of changes in this problem among adolescents is very difficult due to the age limitations of legal liability and the lack of fixation of violent actions if they do not have signs of an illegal act. Attempts to explain the causes of violent behavior are concentrated in the biological, psychological and social theories of deviant behavior. Determinants that increase the probability of adolescent violence, are complex and are divided into three groups: risk factors relating to the individual; micro-social risk factors for relatives (family members, friends, sexual partners and peers); macro-social risk factors for the local community and society as a whole. For UNICEF researchers, social factors are divided into two categories: 1. Political, cultural and legislative. 2. Social and economic, environmental. Violence from other children is very often the case when children are institutionalized, due to the lack of privacy and respect for cultural identity, disappointment, overcrowded premises, and the inability to separate particularly vulnerable children from older, more aggressive children. An especially important social factor in the range of social determinants of behavior of children that demonstrate the displays of physical violence is reacting on the facts of violence of children in the community and society after their after their exposure "post factum"(post hoc). A feature of this factor is that it can not be a direct factor in violence and a passive condition. The results of our research prove that subjective models of children with delinquent behavior are characterized by maximum uncertainty. Their imaginary future is in uncertainty, frightens them, generates pessimism and desperation. These factors can cause displays of aggression and physical violence by children in relation to others. The main reasons for the inability of children to rely on the negative influence of social determinantsare: firstly, the physiological and psychological features that are characteristic of children in general: social immaturity, which contrasts with violent physiological maturation, the desire to experience new sensations; and secondly, the inability to predict the consequences of various actions inherent in adolescents strong desire for independence.
Authors and Affiliations
О. Б. Орос
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