Determining ATP concentration in Candida albicans in process of forming germ tube forms

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2018, Vol 72, Issue


INTRODUCTION: Candida albicans (C. albicans) is part of the natural microbiota of the human body. At the same time, it is one of the most common causes of opportunistic systemic fungal infections. Candida albicans is a poly-morphic microorganism. The change in phenotype is related to the influence of environmental factors. Due to their polymorphic nature, these yeast-like forms can counter mechanisms of phagocytosis. The aim of the study is to eva-luate the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration in the process of forming germ tube forms by C. albicans. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Candida albicans reference strain ATCC 10231 was used for the study. An ATP assay kit by LKB Wallac was used to measure the ATP concentration. The Merck Millipore cell counter Scepter and cell density meter DensiLaMeter II were used to assess the cell count. RESULTS: The ATP concentration after 120 min was higher for C. albicans simulated with L-proline and D-glucose in reference to non-stimulated cells. The highest concentration of ATP was found in the C. albicans cells stimulated with L-proline. Moreover, in this case, the highest number of germ tube forms was found. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The formation of germ tube forms of C. albicans is accompanied by an increase in single cell ATP concentration. 2. Regardless of the type of stimulating substance used in the formation of C. albicans germ tube forms, there is an increase in ATP concentration in a single fungal cell.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria M. Dróżdż, Sebastian J. Seget, Zenon P. Czuba


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  • EP ID EP415021
  • DOI 10.18794/aams/80495
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How To Cite

Maria M. Dróżdż, Sebastian J. Seget, Zenon P. Czuba (2018). Determining ATP concentration in Candida albicans in process of forming germ tube forms. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 72(), 240-243.