Determining Company Value in the Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia
Journal Title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 05
The purpose of the research is managerial ownership, capital structure, company growth, liquidity, and profitability on the value of manufacturing company listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).This type of research includes a method that is quantitative using 40 companies that will be presenting annual financial statements in 2021 and 2022. Multiple regression analysis is the approach of data analysis that is employed. The results of the research show that managerial ownership affects a company's value in a positive and in significance way, capital structure affects it positively and significance, company growth affects it negatively and in significance, liquidity affects it negatively and significance, and profitability affects it positively and significance.
Authors and Affiliations
Selly Ariani , Wida Purwidianti , Maulida Nurul Inayah, Totok Haryanto,
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