Determining the Stability of a Potentially Dangerous Landslide Slope
Journal Title: Nature & Science - Year 2024, Vol 6, Issue 9
Abstract Due to the acceleration of construction of civil, industrial and infrastructure facilities in our republic and the expansion of their area, the construction of many facilities is carried out in mountainous, and foothill areas with complex relief and geomorphological conditions, which in most cases are potentially dangerous landslide slopes. To protect these facilities from the negative impact of dangerous geological, natural-technogenic, and anthropogenic processes, to assess the risks arising from the impact of these processes on building structures, to promptly prevent negative phenomena and dangerous situations, to assess the engineering and geological conditions of the construction area to determine the stability of the slope, conducting research in these areas is of great practical importance. Mountainous regions are characterized by the complexity and diversity of geological, hydrological, hydrogeological, and tectonic conditions. Landslides are the most common natural and man-made processes that pose a threat to the safe operation of infrastructure facilities, civil and industrial construction in mountainous and foothill areas. In addition to infrastructure facilities, landslides can destroy vegetation, destroy the habitat of fauna, and also destroy fertile soils located in the area of their activity (Nikolic, 2015; Krivoguz & Bespalova, 2020). The main objective of this article is to apply the results of practically implemented and verified studies in other territories of our republic with similar geomorphological structure and engineering-geological conditions, to correctly assess the negative manifestations caused by landslides and other man-made and anthropogenic impacts, as well as to calculate the stability of the slope and scientifically and technically substantiate measures for engineering protection against landslides.
Authors and Affiliations
Novruz Shiraliyev Water and Amelioration Scientific Research Institute PLE Jale Ceylan TSM Group Sevinj Mirjafarli Water and Amelioration Scientific Research Institute PLE
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