Developing Employee with Coaching Approach
Journal Title: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 2
The importance of coaching in both personal and educational and organizational fields is increasing day by day. Coaching is seen as a positive practice, especially as a developing mechanism for staff in organizations. Indeed, coaching practices and coach orientation will greatly increase the motivation, job satisfaction, loyalty, performance and communication skills of the worker. It will also greatly reduce the stress caused by the workplace. In this framework, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the development of job competencies in the organizations that work in organizations with affecting, communication, rewarding, motivation, performance evaluation is done with “coaching” technique in the context of some managerial processes such as stress and leadership.
Authors and Affiliations
Adnan Akın, Esra Ulukök
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