Development of Methods to Improve the Mechanical Performance of Coated Grid-Like Non-Crimp Fabrics for Construction Applications
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2019, Vol 27, Issue 1
This paper presents investigations aiming to improve the impregnation of a coating agent and thus increase the mechanical performance of geogrids, especially grid-like non-crimp fabrics (NCF) consisting of carbon fiber heavy tows (CFHT). The squeezing process is industry standard, but the relationship between the machine setting parameters (squeezing pressure and hardness of squeeze roll surface) and the impact on the tensile strength of grid-like NCF is still unexplored. The setting parameters evaluated lead to an increase in tensile strength of up to 10% compared to grid-like NCF coated without the squeezing process. Additionally the first insights into the coating process supported by ultrasonic vibrations based on CFHT single yarns are provided. It is shown that the tensile strength of treated CFHT can be increased by up to 12%, in comparison to CFHT coated without ultrasonic vibrations.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Lars Hahn, Steffen Rittner, Dominik Nuss, Moniruddoza Ashir, Chokri Cherif
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