Development of the professional community of monumental-protection researches in Ukrainian lands (second half of XIX – early part of XX century)
Journal Title: Наддніпрянська Україна : історичні процеси, події, постаті - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue
The article deals with the analysis of the main forms of scientific communication between the monumental-protection researches at the second half of 19th – early of 20th century. The background of grow of interests to the domestic historical and culture heritage are described. The role of the Archeological Congresses in Russian Empire in the researching and popularization of Ukrainian historical and culture heritage are defined. It is also shown at the different stages between the first Archeological Congress (1869) to the World War I. The significant role of Ukrainian historians in the process of verification of information about domestic monuments is proved. The conclusion is made that the grow of interests of public to monuments of previous epochs in this period are helped to institutionalization of monumental-protection activities and spread of systematic researches of historical and culture heritage of the Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Novak
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