Diagnosis of Transport Activity as a Component of the Enterprise Logistical System
Journal Title: Проблеми економіки - Year 2016, Vol 2016, Issue 2
The article reveals the essence of the concept of "diagnosis of the enterprise transport activity", by which there should be meant a process of evaluating the state of movement (transportation, carrying) of freight (material resources, work in process or finished products) by one type of transport facilities or their combination in accordance with the applied transport system and trends of its changes as well as determining the future prospects on the basis of sound management decisions in order to ensure a successful operation and development of the enterprise in the competitive environment. It has been found that the key business-indicators of the diagnosis system of transport activity as a component of the enterprise logistical system are: the coefficient of timeliness of freight transportation (delivery); coefficient of completeness of transportation; coefficient of freight safety conditions; coefficient of efficiency of freight transportation; coefficient of complexity of servicing freight owners; coefficient of satisfaction of freight owners’ demand, coefficient of readiness to operation of transport facilities per working day; coefficient of using vehicle kilometers travelled; coefficient of extensity of transport facility packing.
Authors and Affiliations
Ruslan Skrynkovskyy, Nataliia Kostiuk, Nataliya Koval, Mykola Haleliuk
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