Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Prostate Specific Antigens (PSA), in Patients Suffering from Carcinoma Prostate, Attending in N.M.C.H., Patna

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 11


Objective: The aim of Present study was undertaken to evaluate the level of prostate - specific antigen (PSA) in patients suffering from carcinoma Prostate along with their Histopathological correlations. Materials and Methods: A total of 250 male patients, of different age groups, presents with various urological complains, attending in medical and surgical OPD were included in the study. All the demographic data were noted. After the diagnosis by PSA, 90 cases were operated and send for histopathological examination in our department. PSA evaluation was done by Chemiluminescens immunoassay (CLIA) methods by fully automated machine supplied by Roche pharma. All data regarding routine tests (CBC, LFT, KFT, TSH, Blood sugar, USG Lower abdomen) were recorded. Result: Out of 250 patients, 36.8% patients were in 61-75 years of age, followed by 34.4% in 51-60 years of age. 33.64% patients had benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) followed by 22.40% patients had prostatitis. 19.2% had suspected cases of Ca prostate. 23.06% patients were suffers from Ca prostate with nodal involvement and 1.2% patients had Ca prostate with distant metastasis. In hematological parameter maximum patients (63.6%) were found to have normal haemogram.13.2% patients had anemia. In PSA evaluation, maximum (81.2%) patients were found to have within normal limits of PSA (1-5 ng/mL) followed by 10% had 6-10 ng/mL. 7.2% patients had 11-50 ng/mL and only 1.6% patients had PSA more than 50 ng/mL. Alkaline Phosphatase level was 1-5 IU/L in 82.4% patients followed by 16-30 IU/L in 13.2% cases, 31-45 IU/L in 2.8% cases and more than 45 IU/L in 1.6% of cases. Median PSA level in histopathologically proved cases of carcinoma prostate was found to 60.5% ng/mL in 4.44% of patients and according to gleason grade PSA level was the 40.9% ng/mL in 8.88% of cases. Conclusion: The PSA test can detect high levels of PSA that may indicate the presence of prostate cancer. However, many other conditions, such as an enlarged or inflamed prostate, can also increase PSA levels. Therefore, determining what a high PSA score means can be complicated.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr Satyendu Sagar


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Dr Satyendu Sagar (2018). Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Prostate Specific Antigens (PSA), in Patients Suffering from Carcinoma Prostate, Attending in N.M.C.H., Patna. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(11), 670-673. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-509503