Diagnostic Value of the Analytic Tools in the Young People Handball
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2003, Vol 13, Issue 26
According to praxeologic control scheme of sports training, diagnostics of many talents and the control of the training process are intermeshing links of the cause-effect chain. These both elements require reliable information sources with great predictive value. In the sports diagnostic process, the special role is played by the measuring tools, offering the greatest amount of information on the investigated object (the level of athletic development).It could be expected that the interpreted measurement results will give the handball coaches a certain datum point, presenting the state of sport from the point of view of the variables being analyzed. With the use of complex statistical procedures, it has been demonstrated, how the components making the optimum combination of the describing variables explain the variability of the investigated phenomenon. In accordance with assumptions of this research undertaking, for the analysis a group of girl handball players was chosen (born in 1986). Using formerly described method of construction of the biometric model, a way of using of structural parameters of the regression function model for the determination of the predictive value of movement trials and tests has been presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Igor Ryguła, Ryszard Jarząbek
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