Diagnostics of motor docility
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 33
The aim of this study is to characterize motor docility, the ways of diagnosing pupils' and youth's motor docility, to analyze its results, to point to the trends in the development of its diagnosing, and to set a list of difficulty of particular items of the Iowa-Brace Test in selected developmental stages of ten, fourteen, seventeen, and twenty-year olds.Material and methods. In order to make use of the newest ways of processing, analyzing, and interpreting research data, which have been recently used in sports statistics, the psychometric Rasch's model of item response (IRT - Item Response Theory) was used for calibration of the Iowa - Brace Test. The difficulty of the test items is estimated and analyzed in the present work, their value is quantified and the hypothetical order of performing the Iowa - Brace Test items has been suggested.Results and conclusions. The level of motor docility in selected age groups is compared with the results of the research into complex abilities of motor docility. The research, is presented as an attempt to contribute to the knowledge in the field of motor docility and its diagnosis; in addition, it is a component of the VEGA project No. 1/0462/03 named Standardization of coordination ability motor tests.
Authors and Affiliations
Viera Bebčáková, Michal Belej, Iveta Borzikova, Vera Sotkovska
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