Diagnostyka urządzeń sterowania ruchem kolejowym
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2018, Vol 220, Issue 6
Railway traffic control is performed by the man with the use of specific technical means. Technical development and wide functionality of railway traffic control systems contribute to the fact that one deals with many types of devices, created with the help of various technologies. That is why the maintenance of the devices and systems presents a big challenge for railway infrastructure administrators, and it needs to be supported by technical diagnostics. The need for diagnostics of railway traffic control devices results from their destruction process which is related to their lifespan, use intensity, technical service quality or operation quality level. Gathered in the diagnostics process information concerning changes of the technical condition of the devices allow effective restoring to their original state thanks to regeneration. That is why academic research is being carried out and actions connected to implementing new diagnostic methods in the railway traffic control area are taken. The article presents chosen railway traffic control devices diagnostic systems.
Authors and Affiliations
Waldemar Nowakowski, Zbigniew Łukasik, Krzysztof Łukomski
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