
У статті проаналізовано історію становлення категорії дієслівної зворотності в українських граматиках кінця XVI – початку XX ст. та шляхи її виокремлення з-поміж категорій стану та перехідності / неперехідності. Визначено різні підходи до її інтерпретації у мовознавчих працях впродовж трьох століть, наведено фактори впливу на формування граматичних концепцій, здійснено аналіз критеріїв класифікації зворотних дієслів та окреслено коло проблем, пов’язаних із аналізом цих дієслівних категорій. The article analyzes the historical aspects of studying reflexive verbs in Ukrainian grammar books of XVI-XX centuries and the ways of defining them through the grammatical categories of voice, transitivity and intransitivity. Different approaches to the interpretation of the category of reflexivity in Ukrainian linguistics during three centuries have been described, the factors influencing the formation of grammatical concepts have been presented and the analysis of the criteria for the classification of reflexive verbs has been performed. Traditionally, in East Slavic linguistics, the verbs with postfix -ся were considered as part of the system of grammatical voice, since postfix -ся was used for marking both reflexive verbs and verbs in the passive voice. As the studies of the pre-Soviet period have traditionally been associated with the names of Russian scholars only, the works of Ukrainian grammarians of the late 16th and early 20th centuries are still unknown. Being influenced by grammatical system of classical languages, the linguists up to the middle of the nineteenth century (I. Mohylnytskyi, M. Smotrytskyi, I. Uzhevych, L. Zyzanii etc.) tried to find the categories inherent in Greek and Latin grammar, in Slavonic languages, and reduced the semantic and grammatical function of reflexive verbs to the expression of forms of passive, middle or deponent voice, not taking into account the fact that the Ukrainian language does not have a special paradigm of the passive, inherent to the classical and West European languages. In the very concept of the voice they put different and sometimes contradictory meanings. Despite the imperfection of the grammatical voice system, it retained the scientific significance for almost a century and a half, and Smotrytskyi's work became the starting point for a number of later studies in Ukrainian and Russian linguistics. In the Ukrainian grammars of the second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century (Fedir Gartner, O. Potebnia, V. Simovych, S. Smal Stotskyi, Y. Tymchenko etc.) the tradition was established not only to consider transitivity / intransitivity as the basis of voice differentiation but also to take into account the lexical meaning of reflexive verbs (e.g. reflexive, reciprocal, qualitative, etc.) for their further classification. The correlation of lexical and grammatical meaning was the main problem for determining the status of reflexive verbs in the grammatical voice system.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktoria Kobylianska


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Viktoria Kobylianska (2017). ДІАХРОНІЧНИЙ АСПЕКТ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ КАТЕГОРІЇ ЗВОРОТНОСТІ В УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ГРАМАТИКАХ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 142-148. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433334