Didactics in Assisted Instruction

Journal Title: Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction - Year 2010, Vol 3, Issue 3


Currently, cognitive development is based on diversifying activities which depend on use of personal computers. In terms of technology, the modern world is constantly developing, with its systems becoming more efficient, with which an individual or group of individuals endowed with a rich amount of knowledge systematically, offering increasingly diversified. From a social perspective, the difficulty lies precisely to teach the knowledge workers in order to understand and apply available technology. This paper analyzes and summarizes learning problems by reconsidering the relationship between theory and practice. A new paradigm is proposed, focused on didactics developed in an assisted instruction environment. By this approach, the teacher - personal computer - student triad reflected in education activities are highlighted, in human-computer interaction context.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriel Zamfir


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Gabriel Zamfir (2010). Didactics in Assisted Instruction. Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, 3(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-28830