Die erste urkundliche Erwähnung eines Großpräzeptors der Templer im Heiligen Land: Edition von Paris, Bibl. nat. de France, nouv. acquis. lat. 21, fol. 5 und 25 bis 319
Journal Title: Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders - Year 2011, Vol 16, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Jochen Burgtorf
The Hospitallers’ and Templars’ involvement in warfare on the frontiers of the British Isles in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries
Der Deutsche Orden in Livland unter Hermann von Brüggenei: Bemerkungen zu Regierungspraxis und Religionspolitik
Not Only Barrels – Equipment for Firearms in the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia
The study focuses on equipment for firearms in the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. The paper is chiefly based on written sources, both concerning the Order itself (m...
Herausforderung und Schwache: die Johanniter und die Anfange der äußeren Bedrohung von Rhodos, 1428–1464
Empowering and Struggling in an Era of Uncertainty and Crisis – The Teutonic Military Order in the Latin East, 1250–1291