Die Frage nach dem Handeln Gottes in der Welt als elementares Glaubensproblem

Journal Title: Scientia et Fides - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1


The Question of God´s Action in the World as one Fundamental Aspect of Crisis of Faith Christian religion is mainly based on the fact of God´s action in the world, as the Holy Bible expresses and testifies in many different ways throughout the salvation history. But how can we talk about God´s action in the world in a responsible and reasonable way, while we found ourselves in a highly developed environment, were both, technical progress and rationality, determine our daily life? Evidently, more than just a few people consider science and technical progress to be the main reasons why the belief in God´s direct intervention in our world is not expected to happen any more. Therefore, the aim of this article is to point out how God´s action in the world can be made plausible in a reasonable way with regard to recent research results in natural sciences, such as evolutionary biology or cosmology.

Authors and Affiliations

Christoph Böttigheimer


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  • EP ID EP195151
  • DOI 10.12775/SetF.2016.005
  • Views 104
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How To Cite

Christoph Böttigheimer (2016). Die Frage nach dem Handeln Gottes in der Welt als elementares Glaubensproblem. Scientia et Fides, 4(1), 101-113. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-195151