Dieticians’ Knowledge of Diabetic Management and Patients’ Recovery Rate
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 1
Nutritional therapy has become the most reliable support regimen that a diabetic patient can benefit from and it is always preceded and controlled through a nutritional counseling. The impact of nutritional counseling on the recovery rate has been widely studied, but less is done on the effect of counselor’s knowledge of diabetic management on the patient’s recovery rate. The objective of this article was to establish the effect of counselor’s knowledge of diabetic management on patient’s recovery rate. A descriptive survey with ex-post facto design was used to assess the effectiveness of the counselor’s nutritional knowledge on diabetic management. The sample population consisted of 283 respondents that included 8 nutritional counselors and 275 diabetic patients. Stratified random sampling where the total population was split into two distinct samples (diabetic patients and dieticians) based on their demographics was used. Expert judgment was used to improve on content and construct validity of the items. The obtained data was subjected to analysis using SPSS analytical tools so as to get results. The results showed that there was a statistically significant link between the nutritional counselor’s knowledge of diabetic management on patient’s recovery rate. The results call for frequent training of nutritional counselors on diabetic management in hospitals.
Authors and Affiliations
Lucy Karanja
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