Different Approaches About Hiddenness of God
Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 7
There are different dimensions related with hidings of the God problem. Some philosophers and mystics may claim that they experienced him in different image. Some philosophers can’t even think him not being beholded emotively as a matter because of their denying his existence entirely. In this study the topic is not dealed with this point of view but dealed with why the god can’t be beholded emotively as theism’s envisage is discussed. Along with there are some other ideas which are asserted, two principal ideas, the dissertations God is different as ontological and as freewill are tried to put forward in terms of some thinkers’ opinion.Theologian of Islam Mâturîdî whose ideas we dealed with explains the god’s hiding himself as this world is an examination place. His thoughts reflect the general view of mainstream Islamic thought. Theist thinkers J. Hick and R. Swinburne discuss the issue around free will.According to them, it is necessary for God to establish a certain distance between himself and the people so that they can give their decisions freely. The philosophers Plotinus and Nicolaus Cusanus explain the hiddenness of God in terms of the ontological difference between God and man.
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