Digitalization and Religion
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 17, Issue 2
The new developments in the technology of communication, which are referred to as the "Gutenberg galaxy", have caused many important changes and transformation in the history of humanity since the invention of press. The invention of press as an important part of the processes that paved the way for the modern age has accelerated the proliferation of books and knowledge, bringing about a radical change within all traditional structures in general and within religious structures and authority systems in particular. This process, beginning with the invention of press, fueled new technological developments extending from books to newspapers, radio, telephone, television and eventually the Internet, carrying the humanity into a new phase referred to as the age of communication.The fact that technological developments changed the traditional culture of society, which had previously constituted the everyday life beginning from the individual sphere, has been discussed from many perspectives, and efforts have been made to check the speed of change influenced by the speedy and constant change. The question of religious life and change, which came to the fore as a result of the debates over secularization in the pre-Internet epoch, have gained many new dimensions in the context of the virtual world and the virtual religion after the post-Internet age. In addition to the developments in the domain of communication, this study shall address the new shape taken by religion in the digital age in its mutual interaction with the Internet.Keywords: communication technology, secularization, the internet, religion, the virtual world, the virtual religion.
Authors and Affiliations
Mehmet Akgül
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