Діяльність преподобного Олексія (Кабалюка) у світлі нових архівних документів
Journal Title: Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна) - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
Activities of St. Alexis (Kabalyuk) in the light of new archival documents The article analyzes some aspects of the biography of the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Transcarpathia of the first half of the ХХ century – Archimandrite Alexis (Kabalyuk). The author reveals still unknown facts of his activity before the First World War, at the time of the inclusion of the province into Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the USSR. The contacts of the hieromonk with the monasteries of Afon, Kholmshchyna and the Russian Empire were described, and the period of his stay on treatment at the hospital of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was revealed. On new documents and press materials, the role of Kabalyuk in setting up a boarding school for Orthodox students of Khust high school and the post-war integration of the diocese into the ROC.
Authors and Affiliations
Юрій Данилець
Другий Мараморош-Сиготський процес у творчій спадщині М.Годжі (за матеріалами газети «Slovenský týždenník»)
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