Dimensional Treatment by an Electric Arc of the Lateral Surface of a Guide Roller From a Composite Material Based on Relit
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки - Year 2018, Vol 31, Issue
The article is dedicated to development of technology and equipment of rough machining method by electric arc of a guide roller side surface, as high performance alternative to traditional methods of rough machining. During operation, the damage to the surface of the hard alloys guide roller caliber occurs by abrasion and chipping of carbide particles. The development of net shaped roll marks occurs by the occurrence of hotbeds of accelerated cluster abrasion and chipping of smaller particles with subsequent growth of these areas and unification in a closed net shaped roll marks. The turned out particles of hard alloy leave the machining marks on the wire, in such a worn the hard alloy rolling roller does not meet the specified dimensions and it is reground to a smaller diameter by grinding of diamond tool on the rough machining stage. It is proposed on the stage of rough machining to remove the worn-out profile of a guide roller side surface with help of dimensional electric arc, which allows you to remove big allowances of material at the lowest treatment costs. It is suggested to get the lateral surface by dimensional electric arc with a given roughness of Ra = 10..20mkm, which allows you to take great allowances material at the lowest cost processing time.In this case, the processing cycle of hard alloy side surface decreased of 1,4…2,6 times. The justification of technical scheme of forming the guide roller side surface by electric arc sizing method is done taking into account features of physical formatting mechanism and hydrodynamic phenomena in the electrode gap. The analytical communication of technological characteristics of rough machining process by electric arc made of composite material, based on relit, with the modes of processing and geometric parameters are established. The obtained models allow to control the productivity and specific productivity, specific electricity consumption, quality and surface accuracy which is processed, predicted and optimized given characteristics. A technical solution is proposed that allows to expand the technological possibilities of processing the guide roller.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleh Sisa, Viktor Pukalov, Volodymyr Sviatskyi
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