Disabling the Education System A Case of Zimbabwe’s Mental Genocide


The easiest way to destroy generations and a nation is through depriving the youth their education. Education is a basic human right not a privilege as is the current case in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe of July 2018 – 2023 has decided to hide under covid 19 to deprive the innocent children their education. Schools and universities were closed in March 2020 to minimise covid 19 transmission. Little did we know that this was the opportune time for this government to kill the Zimbabwean children intellectually. The education system that was in intensive care, on oxygen, had the oxygen tanks switched off, to the government’s celebration. Teachers and learners were dispatched home indefinitely. While there were celebrations in the corridors of power that we have tamed SARS CoV 2 Covid 19 through schools’ closure, other countries upon closing schools started planning on how they were going to make education accessible during the covid 19 pandemic. The government of Zimbabwe was honeymooning abusing donated covid 19 funds. Teachers’ salaries were equalling US 35 from US 520 in 2018. Indirectly it was destroying and devaluing the once admired education system. Some schools changed ownership, from being community schools to private entities at the detriment of the working class child whose parents survived on US1 per day. Bearing the brunt are the children of the marginalised because there is no school anymore. The teachers have no salary. The children of the government officials are enrolled in elite private schools in and outside the country. The children of most of the population whom they coerce to vote for them are deprived of education. They are killing them so that their own children and grandchildren will succeed them in future in those same government and political offices they occupy today. It is at the backdrop of these stated facts that I argue that the government of Zimbabwe 2018 2023’s agenda is to suffocate the public education system in Zimbabwe to perpetuate poverty, anarchy, cronyism, despotism, and demagoguery. Data was generated qualitatively informed by the theory of Ubuntu. This theory is fit for the study because this is about human relationships. Interviews with teachers and document analysis focusing on speeches by ZANU PF and MDC political parties were data generation tools. Data was processed coded and conclusions were made. Tawanda Wallace Mataka | Tawanda Mukurunge | Takura Bhila "Disabling the Education System: A Case of Zimbabwe’s Mental Genocide" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd41273.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.commedicine/other/41273/disabling-the-education-system-a-case-of-zimbabwe’s-mental-genocide/tawanda-wallace-mataka

Authors and Affiliations

Tawanda Wallace Mataka | Tawanda Mukurunge | Takura Bhila


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Tawanda Wallace Mataka, Tawanda Mukurunge (2021). Disabling the Education System A Case of Zimbabwe’s Mental Genocide. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(4), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-695676