The conditions of technical stability by measure of the dynamical states of the non-stationary control systems
with variable structure are investigated in presence of filtration process of the control signals. The suitab...
Using the equation the intrinsic frequency of pendulum is decided. Intrinsic frequency is calculated for a certain
pendulum. The verity of formula is confirmed by experiment. The deduced is compared with formulas brought...
S. R. Meschyan (1998). Dissipative qualities of clay soils under the simple shear.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 51(3),
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Conditions of Technical Stability on Non-Stationary Processes of Automatic Control of Variable Structure with Correlative Forming and Filtering Systems of Control Signals
The conditions of technical stability by measure of the dynamical states of the non-stationary control systems with variable structure are investigated in presence of filtration process of the control signals. The suitab...
On a mixed problem for an anisotrope composite wedge involuing a crack.
About clarification of the formula for determination of intrinsic frequency of horizontal pendulum
Using the equation the intrinsic frequency of pendulum is decided. Intrinsic frequency is calculated for a certain pendulum. The verity of formula is confirmed by experiment. The deduced is compared with formulas brought...
Intluence of initial elektroelastic state (geometrical nonlinearity)on small amplitude waves propagation.
Cubical nonlinear creep of nonhomogeneous aging composits of isotropic phases.