Diversity of vegetation around the springs to support water resource conservation in belu, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Journal Title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 4
The research was conducted in catchment area of Lahurus, Wetihu, Wewai and Mauhalek, Lasiolat District of Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The purpose of this research was to find out species composition and stratification of vegetation in springs to support water resource conservation. Vegetation sampling was conducted using quadrate method. Data were collected for further analysis in descriptively-quantitatively way using the important value index. The results showed there were 71 species and 1,910 individuals belong to 30 families. Calculation results show the presence of a dominant species based on the highest importance value index found in the study area (>50%). Species found was Caryota mitis, Spathodea campanulata, Intsia bijuga, Aglaia argentea, Alstonia scholaris, Mangifera minor, Terminalia catappa, Arenga pinnata and Ficus sp. From quantitative analysis it showed that dominant index value there were no species dominating over other species or community structure was stable because c = 0. The species diversity index of tree phase in study site categorized low to moderate with value 0.94 to 1.12.The results calculation of community similarity index on tree phase in study site as follows; Lahurus-Wetihu obtained value 59.46%, Wetihu-Wewai 30.30 and WewaiMauhalek 46.67. Stratification of vegetation in the study area was complete from A stratum to E stratum. Vegetation was found in generally a local species that can growing and develop optimally in the spring. Species found was Spathodea campanulata, Intsia bijuga, Mangifera minor, Dendrocalamus sp., Zysigium sp, and Ficus sp. Species found was considered to have a good value for soil conservation and water conservation because it has a compact establishment canopy and complex root architecture.
Authors and Affiliations
Ferdinandus Boy Kali, Zaenal Kusuma, Amin Setyo Leksono
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