До питання ґенези листа-повчання в українській епістолярній традиції


The main features of genre formation of a didactic letter (letter of instruction) in the Ukrainian epistolary tradition are researched in the article. Structural and composition peculiarities of a letter of instruction in the era of Ukrainian medieval literature, its connection with Bible didacticism and Byzantineepistle are analyzed in detail. It is estimated that a letter of instruction in the Ukrainian literature appeared in Kyiv Rus, in particular “Edification to Children” by Volodymyr Monomakh and continued in the literature of baroque in the Latin letters of H. Skovoroda to his pupil Kovalynskyi. In these didactic and moralistic letters-lectures of the Ukrainian thinker one can find philosophical understanding of friendship as a phenomenon of human being that is based on the Bible doctrine and antique philosophy and takes an important place inSkovoroda’s conception of cordocentrism. It was estimated that antique epistolography had a great impact on creation and development of the Ukrainian epistolary tradition that appeared in the ancient literature of the Kyiv Rus (in charters and panegyrics) according to the literature scholars. The main feature of epistolary tradition of the Kyiv Rus was the Christian idea of creation in the addressee the image of norms and rules of righteous life, care of “sole upbringing”that was the advantage of epistolary genre over other genres of literature. The Medieval consciousness of the Kyiv Rus was influenced by the Bible, that’s why the medieval messages of the ancient Ruslead to the Bible didactic edifications that often remind fables or Apostle messages. The appearance of polemic literature in the second half of XVI – the first half of XVII century contributed to the publicistic modification of epistolary genre. Moreover the internal concept of a letter has changed greatly; the presence of boundaries, closing and addressing the particular person was replaced by the opened, publicistic, stylized letter.

Authors and Affiliations

А. В. Ільків


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  • EP ID EP507246
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-12-143-149
  • Views 98
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How To Cite

А. В. Ільків (2016). До питання ґенези листа-повчання в українській епістолярній традиції. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(12), 143-149. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-507246