До питання щодо територіальної організації влади у Канаді
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 58, Issue 3
Досліджено питання територіальної організації влади у Канаді, розмежування компетенції федерального і провінційного рівнів на сучасному етапі суспільного розвитку. Исследованы вопросы территориальной организации власти в Канаде, разграничение компетенции федерального и провинциального уровней на современном этапе общественного развития. The relevance of chosen research topic is due to the fact that successful reforming of government in Ukraine is impossible without learning the experience (both positive and negative) of national reforms in foreign countries. Special urgency has the research of territorial organization of power in Canada – the country, the Ukrainian diaspora of which is the largest in the world and which, according to the level of socio-economic development and democracy of power institutions, is one of the world leaders. The article’s objective is deepening theoretical knowledge on territorial organization of power in Canada. It is noted that the Constitution of Canada of 1982 establishes two areas of competence: the sphere of exclusive competence of the federation covering the matters within the jurisdiction of only federal authorities and the sphere of exclusive competence of the objects of federation covering the matters related to the jurisdiction of only agencies of the objects of federation. The activities of the federal system of law enforcement agencies in Canada belong to the exclusive jurisdiction of federation. The administrative authorities of Canadian provinces are constructed on the same principle as the federal ones. Each has its own legislature; in some provinces – it is unicameral legislative assembly, while others have – bicameral parliament. For example, the parliament in Quebec consists of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly. The author of the article has noted the specifics of Canada, in particular the fact that the subjects of federation are deprived of financial autonomy. Their own incomes are extremely limited; they can exist only through subsidies and grants that are obtained from the Federal Government. Financial dependence is a significant addition to that constitutional mechanism with the assistance of which the central government subordinates and controls the subjects of federation. As a result, it is stated that the territorial organization of power in Canada is largely dependent on the political and territorial system of the state, differentiation of the competence of federal and provincial levels.
Authors and Affiliations
L. D. Varunts
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