Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) comprise a rare pathology of the colon. Despitedifferent etiology, their macroscopic appearence and clinical course in advancedstages present no difference when compared to adenocarcinoma....
Introduction. In the 90’s of the 20th century Poland was among the European countries with the worst results of treatment of cancer of the large intestine measured as the percentage of survivors for more than 5 years (be...
The article presents the work and life of Sir William Ernest Miles, an English surgeon,who devised the first radical procedure for cancer of the rectum, called his name asthe Miles operation. Miles lived and worked in th...
Czy skleroterapia guzków krwawniczych jest tylko metodą historyczną?
Tytuł artykułu
Ocena jakości życia pacjentów z chorobą Leśniowskiego-Chrona
Colon obstruction caused by neuroendocrine carcinoma – case review
Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) comprise a rare pathology of the colon. Despitedifferent etiology, their macroscopic appearence and clinical course in advancedstages present no difference when compared to adenocarcinoma....
The prevalence of colorectal adenomas among subjects in the Endoscopy Unit at the Hospital St. Barbara in Sosnowiec in the years 2005-2009 during the screening program for the early detection of colorectal cancer
Introduction. In the 90’s of the 20th century Poland was among the European countries with the worst results of treatment of cancer of the large intestine measured as the percentage of survivors for more than 5 years (be...
William Ernest Miles – the surgeon who performed and described the radical operation for the rectal cancer
The article presents the work and life of Sir William Ernest Miles, an English surgeon,who devised the first radical procedure for cancer of the rectum, called his name asthe Miles operation. Miles lived and worked in th...