Does J-style “Kaizen” management create the joy of service? -Exploring the Co-creative Human Development Model

Journal Title: Manager Journal - Year 2011, Vol 14, Issue


This paper tries to develop a new foundation for the Co-creative Human Development Model (CCHD). CCHD aims at creating a platform for the exercise of freewill, a space that serves as a point of departure to open up the path to Truth and so divert us from the sinful route to self-destruction. CCHD differs from A. Sen’s capability theory of human development, most markedly in its conception of the nature of development; Sen views this as expanding the capability (freedom) to choose, whereas CCHD sees it as awakening and activating the freewill to choose freedom. Taking our place on the CCHD platform of freewill allows the linkage between practicing Kaizen (J-style continuous improvement) and the joy of service to be captured in visible form and made known to us through our experience. The exercises connected with CCHD shed light on our mind-set, so we can become aware of the true meaning of Kaizen in our working lives and lifestyles as a whole, which can then be linked with the joy of service.

Authors and Affiliations

Oba Hiroyuki


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How To Cite

Oba Hiroyuki (2011). Does J-style “Kaizen” management create the joy of service? -Exploring the Co-creative Human Development Model. Manager Journal, 14(), 76-84.