Договір купівлі-продажу майнових прав: теорія та практика
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
У статті визначено відмінності договору купівлі-продажу майнових прав від звичайної купівлі-продажу. Предмет договору – майнове право впливає на особливості цього правочину. Насамперед спрямування на набуття майнового права. На відміну від традиційної купівлі-продажу – передача майна у власність. Особливо це проявляється у відносинах з купівлі майнових прав на житло, яке ще не збудоване. Має місце не традиційна купівля-продаж, а квазі купівля-продаж. Тому це договір з набуття майнових прав на житло. Він має кваліфікаційні ознаки. The purchase and sale contract of property rights is not a named contract. The current Civil Code of Ukraine (hereinafter –the CC) in Ch. 54 does not contain its legal definition, although in contractual practice it is widespread and well-known. Today, property rights serve as a type of civil rights object (Article 177, 178 of the CC). However, before and now there is no consensus among scholars whether property rights can be a subject of a purchase and sale contract. We believe that this agreement is different from the traditional purchase and sale one and cannot be identified. The fact is that property rights are a special object of civil rights. Its specificity lies in the fact that they arise from the moment of appearance of a material object - property. In particular, real estate is a built-up housing object put into operation. By the time it is not yet, it is being built a person does not have property rights. The person has the powers - the right to acquire property rights to housing, which is still under construction. So, the subject of the contract is its basis. Accordingly, apurchase and sale contract of property rights has another direction than the ordinary purchase and sale contract. In the latter, a thing or property exists at the time of the conclusion of the contract (the item is material). As for property rights it does not (housing has not yet been built). The conclusions can be made as follows: 1) it is necessary to distinguish between the traditional purchase and sale from the “quasi purchase and sale”; 2) the reason is the different direction of these contracts similar by name: ordinary purchase and sale - transfer of property to ownership, while purchase andsale of property rights - acquisition of a certain property right, 3) however, there is a common payable nature of relations,4) when buying and selling property rights to housing there should be singled out two stages: 1 - the emergence of the right to acquire property rights from the person (until the time when the housing does not exist yet), 2 - the emergence of property rights in the person (from the time when the housing already exists and is put into operation) and its transmission through the acceptance acts; 5) the absence of the object of housing put into operation means the absence of property rights to it; at the same time the person has the right to acquire it; 6) when drafting agreements on the transfer of property rights one should clearly understand the features of a property right, which serves as its subject, 7) one should use the contractual relations proposed by the legislator to meet the needs of housing buyers.
Authors and Affiliations
Ігор Борисович Утєхін
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