Dokumenty i listy Jana Olbrachta i Aleksandra Jagiellończyka w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Gdańsku

Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 22


Records and letters of John I Albert and Alexander Jagiellon in the holdings of the State Archive in Gdańsk The State Archive in Gdańsk belongs to the Polish archives, which preserve the largest collection of records and letters from the late Middle Ages. Letters and records of the Polish kings constitute a significant part of that collection. Most of these records come from the period after 1454, when residents of Gdańsk city became subjected to the Polish monarchs due to the incorporation of Prussia. In addition to documents, letters, mandates and receipts issued by King Casimir IV Jagiellon, in the state archive in Gdańsk are preserved also similar records, that were issued by the king’s sons, i.e. John I Albert and Alexander Jagiellon, in total of 109 documents and letters issued by John Albert (incl. 103 letters) and 115 documents by Alexander (incl. 96 letters). Analysis of both Jagiellons’ records preserved in the holdigs of the State Archive in Gdańsk shows that they do not differ from the standard templates that were described in the earlier studies of the Polish Royal Chancery in the late Middle Ages. However, it may contribute to the knowledge on a form of royal letters, mandates and receipts of that time. It gives the picture of new tendences after 1492 in the preparation of these types of sources: authentication of the royal correspondence by signature and introduction of dating by the regnal years of the ruling monarch. The letters stored in the State Archives in Gdańsk are also characterized by a considerable wealth of other specific epistolary formulas: address, salutation and formulas of politness.

Authors and Affiliations

Sobiesław Szybkowski


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Sobiesław Szybkowski (2015). Dokumenty i listy Jana Olbrachta i Aleksandra Jagiellończyka w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Gdańsku. Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica, 22(22), 11-39.