Dopuszczalność dowodów – wniosek Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich (sygn. akt K 27/16) dotyczący ustawy – Kodeks postępowania karnego

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 57, Issue 1


The object of the Constitutional Tribunal’s review is Article 168a of the Code indicating the reasons of inadmissibility of evidence. The draft Sejm’s position contains a conclusion that the above provision is consistent with the Consti­tution of the Republic of Poland. The applicant (the Commissioner for Citizens’ Rights) claims that the challenged provision expresses an absolute obligation to include any evi­dence in the Polish criminal trial, regardless of how it was collected, including evidence obtained in violation of the prohibitions on collecting evidence. In the justification of the Sejm’s draft position it was stated that the purpose of the amendment was to ensure that the offender would be held criminally responsible and that any innocent person would be released from this liability in any situation where material evidence could be subject to exclusion only due to a defect in the procedure for obtaining it.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Pogłódek


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How To Cite

Andrzej Pogłódek (2018). Dopuszczalność dowodów – wniosek Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich (sygn. akt K 27/16) dotyczący ustawy – Kodeks postępowania karnego. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 57(1), 227-268.